Casio automatically adjusts time watch

Regular travellers around the world may find it cumbersome to adjust their watches every time they cross the time zone. Casio's GPW-1000 will save you trivia. According to Casio, the GPW-1000 has the world's first hybrid timing system that uses two global positioning systems and Casio's multi-band technology.
Multiband technology enables the device to receive radio signals for precise timing. Since the signal towers are in the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Japan, and China, the radio signals may be a bit mysterious, but there is no difficulty in obtaining GPS signals anywhere. The GPW-1000 uses Casio's high-capacity solar charging system. Casio said that from 0% to 100% of power, it requires 27 hours of direct light for charging. A full charge can be used for 7 months. However, only eight minutes of direct sunlight can maintain a full day.


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